
Wall Portraits Boost Self Esteem 

A study was conducted that showed a child's self esteem increased when family portraits are displayed around the home. Author of Phototherapy and Mental Health (1983), David Krauss, said "I think it is really important to show a family as a family unit. It is so helpful for children to see themselves as a valued and important part of that family unit." Photographs allow children to feel valued and help them know where they belong. 

Your prints and albums become family heirlooms 

There's really no feeling compared to that of seeing and holding an old photograph of your grandparents, or parents as kids. Growing up we had old pictures hanging on the dining room wall of my great grandparents; I remember staring at them in awe. I also loved going through old loose prints. Family photographs are treasured and one of THE only things saved and passed down from generation to generation. 

You don’t need technology to enjoy printed photographs 

It's so easy and satisfying to pick up a print from the table, or an album from the bookshelf to flip through. Pictures bring back memories and make your heart full, bringing back feelings of special moments and love. It's always so amazing to me that a single photo can make you FEEL- what a truly marvelous thing to experience.

*No one really knows what the future holds for image storage or viewing, and things are constantly changing. I've seen floppy disks and CDs come and go. Now, USBs and flash drives are even changing. Museum quality prints and albums will last, and bring endless joy. 

Professional Portraits 

These days almost everyone has a camera (or phone that takes pictures), and takes pictures. You likely have a ton of pictures on your phone... but these are low resolution, most likely grainy, and possibly out of focus (but how can you not love them because they are pictures of your family and kids!). Everyone can take a picture, but my goal is to create a portrait. You deserve quality prints of your family, you, and your children. 

Light & Lenses, 


